Flight Travel Time Calculation, Airport Distances

Calculate the flight time and distance between cities and see the travel distance in both kilometers, miles and nautical miles.
The flight time and distance calculator will give you the shortest air travel distance (great circle) between the two cities along with location map.
As a result of the calculation, you can see the flight time and distance between two cities.

Flight distances between some major and important cities in the world
From City to City Flight Duration
Al Ḩudaydah to Peshawar flight time 5 hours 6 minutes
Cebu City to Mecca flight time 12 hours 49 minutes
Santiago to Teresina flight time 6 hours 6 minutes
Lahore to Volgograd flight time 4 hours 29 minutes
Hannover to Chengdu flight time 10 hours 54 minutes
Yekaterinburg to Monterrey flight time 16 hours 30 minutes
Accra to Manila flight time 18 hours 47 minutes
Algiers to Aleppo flight time 4 hours 19 minutes
Havana to Niigata flight time 17 hours 6 minutes
Phnom Penh to Goiânia flight time 24 hours 32 minutes
Baku to Hiroshima flight time 10 hours 4 minutes
NanJing to Mersin flight time 10 hours 44 minutes
Barcelona to Trujillo flight time 3 hours 40 minutes
Cúcuta to Kerman flight time 18 hours 48 minutes
Beirut to Latakia flight time 0 hours 15 minutes
Ahvaz to Sofia flight time 3 hours 40 minutes
Xining to Bangkok flight time 3 hours 38 minutes
Phoenix to Buenos Aires flight time 12 hours 38 minutes
Łódź to Lusaka flight time 10 hours 44 minutes
Brasília to Haiphong flight time 24 hours 41 minutes

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