Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport Location Map, CAC Airport Details

Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport is located in Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil. The latitude of Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport is -25.000323 and the longitude is -53.501208. CAC airport is located at Brazil country with the gps coordinates of S 25° 0' 1.2'' and W 53° 30' 4.3''.

Get airport maps and more information about Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport
ICAO Code : PR0005
City : Cascavel
Country : Brazil Flag of Brazil
GPS Coordinates : Latitude: S 25° 0' 1.2'' (-25.000323)
Longitude: W 53° 30' 4.3'' (-53.501208)
Timezone : America/Campo_Grande
Current local time and date at Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport is 2025-02-28, 19:31:53 -04

Where is Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport Location on Map?

This is online satellite map of Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

You can view the Coronel Adalberto Mendes da Silva Airport on the map and see how to get there from your current location in the directions field.

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