Flight Distances and Durations from Dili East Timor to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Dili, Dili municipality, East Timor and any other place. Find distance from Dili to other places around the world.

Dili is located in East Timor (Dili municipality). The latitude of Dili, East Timor is -8.55861000, and the longitude is 125.57361000. Dili is located at East Timor country with the gps coordinates of S 8° 33' 31'' and E 125° 34' 25''.
The nearest airport to Dili is Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (DIL).

Where is Dili, East Timor on Map?

This is online road map of the address Dili, East Timor. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Dili, East Timor

Distance To Capital Cities From Dili Kilometers Miles
Dili to Seoul Flight Time and Distance 5131 km 3189 mi
Dili to Honiara Flight Time and Distance 3776 km 2346 mi
Dili to Madrid Flight Time and Distance 13895 km 8634 mi
Dili to Santiago Flight Time and Distance 15038 km 9345 mi
Dili to Amsterdam Flight Time and Distance 12811 km 7960 mi
Dili to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 13877 km 8623 mi
Dili to Victoria Flight Time and Distance 7749 km 4815 mi
Dili to Freetown Flight Time and Distance 15487 km 9624 mi
Dili to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 4665 km 2899 mi
Dili to Tripoli Flight Time and Distance 12609 km 7835 mi
Dili to Tirana Flight Time and Distance 11948 km 7424 mi
Dili to Rome Flight Time and Distance 12544 km 7795 mi
Dili to Harare Flight Time and Distance 10190 km 6332 mi
Dili to Khartoum Flight Time and Distance 10585 km 6577 mi
Dili to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 11097 km 6896 mi
Dili to Tbilisi Flight Time and Distance 9881 km 6140 mi
Dili to Sanaa Flight Time and Distance 9346 km 5807 mi
Dili to Riga Flight Time and Distance 11499 km 7145 mi
Dili to Belmopan Flight Time and Distance 16176 km 10052 mi
Dili to Accra Flight Time and Distance 14026 km 8715 mi
Dili to San Marino Flight Time and Distance 12511 km 7774 mi
Dili to Gaborone Flight Time and Distance 10582 km 6576 mi
Dili to Buenos Aires Flight Time and Distance 15196 km 9443 mi
Dili to Luxembourg Flight Time and Distance 12827 km 7971 mi
Dili to Doha Flight Time and Distance 8840 km 5493 mi
Dili to Andorra la Vella Flight Time and Distance 13408 km 8331 mi
Dili to Asmara Flight Time and Distance 9902 km 6153 mi
Dili to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 10527 km 6541 mi
Dili to Port-au-Prince Flight Time and Distance 17786 km 11052 mi
Dili to Washington, D.C. Flight Time and Distance 15957 km 9915 mi

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Major airports near Dili, East Timor
Airport Name Distance From City
Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (DIL) 5.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km