Flight Distances and Durations from Funafuti Tuvalu to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Funafuti, Funafuti, Tuvalu and any other place. Find distance from Funafuti to other places around the world.

Funafuti is located in Tuvalu (Funafuti). The latitude of Funafuti, Tuvalu is -8.52425000, and the longitude is 179.19417000. Funafuti is located at Tuvalu country with the gps coordinates of S 8° 31' 27.3'' and E 179° 11' 39''.
The nearest airport to Funafuti is Funafuti International Airport (FUN).

Where is Funafuti, Tuvalu on Map?

This is online road map of the address Funafuti, Tuvalu. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Funafuti, Tuvalu

Distance To Capital Cities From Funafuti Kilometers Miles
Funafuti to Yamoussoukro Flight Time and Distance 19487 km 12109 mi
Funafuti to Bratislava Flight Time and Distance 15298 km 9506 mi
Funafuti to Ouagadougou Flight Time and Distance 19580 km 12167 mi
Funafuti to Sanaa Flight Time and Distance 15068 km 9363 mi
Funafuti to Hanoi Flight Time and Distance 8651 km 5376 mi
Funafuti to Minsk Flight Time and Distance 14370 km 8929 mi
Funafuti to Kingston Flight Time and Distance 11773 km 7315 mi
Funafuti to Zagreb Flight Time and Distance 15569 km 9674 mi
Funafuti to Reykjavík Flight Time and Distance 13611 km 8457 mi
Funafuti to Dublin Flight Time and Distance 15008 km 9326 mi
Funafuti to Palikir - National Government Center Flight Time and Distance 2896 km 1800 mi
Funafuti to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 15646 km 9722 mi
Funafuti to Baghdad Flight Time and Distance 14630 km 9091 mi
Funafuti to Nuku‘alofa Flight Time and Distance 1526 km 949 mi
Funafuti to Addis Ababa Flight Time and Distance 15670 km 9737 mi
Funafuti to Port Moresby Flight Time and Distance 3520 km 2187 mi
Funafuti to Asmara Flight Time and Distance 15632 km 9714 mi
Funafuti to Kathmandu Flight Time and Distance 10826 km 6727 mi
Funafuti to Male Flight Time and Distance 11799 km 7331 mi
Funafuti to Riga Flight Time and Distance 14215 km 8833 mi
Funafuti to Havana Flight Time and Distance 11235 km 6981 mi
Funafuti to Sarajevo Flight Time and Distance 15670 km 9737 mi
Funafuti to Dili Flight Time and Distance 5891 km 3661 mi
Funafuti to Manama Flight Time and Distance 14260 km 8861 mi
Funafuti to Saint George's Flight Time and Distance 13348 km 8294 mi
Funafuti to Islamabad Flight Time and Distance 12023 km 7471 mi
Funafuti to Porto-Novo Flight Time and Distance 19576 km 12164 mi
Funafuti to Saint John’s Flight Time and Distance 13353 km 8297 mi
Funafuti to Algiers Flight Time and Distance 16854 km 10473 mi
Funafuti to Beirut Flight Time and Distance 15355 km 9541 mi

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Major airports near Funafuti, Tuvalu
Airport Name Distance From City
Funafuti International Airport (FUN) 0.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km