Flight Distances and Durations from Herāt Afghanistan to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Herāt, Herat, Afghanistan and any other place. Find distance from Herāt to other places around the world.

Herāt is located in Afghanistan (Herat). The latitude of Herāt, Afghanistan is 34.34817000, and the longitude is 62.19967000. Herāt is located at Afghanistan country with the gps coordinates of N 34° 20' 53.4'' and E 62° 11' 58.8''.
The nearest airport to Herāt is Herat - Khwaja Abdullah Ansari International Airport (HEA).

Where is Herāt, Afghanistan on Map?

This is online road map of the address Herāt, Afghanistan. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Herāt, Afghanistan

Distance To Capital Cities From Herāt Kilometers Miles
Herāt to Tashkent Flight Time and Distance 985 km 612 mi
Herāt to Nairobi Flight Time and Distance 4765 km 2961 mi
Herāt to Freetown Flight Time and Distance 8142 km 5060 mi
Herāt to Vienna Flight Time and Distance 4057 km 2521 mi
Herāt to Libreville Flight Time and Distance 6645 km 4129 mi
Herāt to Seoul Flight Time and Distance 5724 km 3557 mi
Herāt to Dublin Flight Time and Distance 5635 km 3502 mi
Herāt to Amsterdam Flight Time and Distance 4895 km 3042 mi
Herāt to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 11390 km 7078 mi
Herāt to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 6593 km 4097 mi
Herāt to Dili Flight Time and Distance 8187 km 5087 mi
Herāt to Ottawa Flight Time and Distance 10187 km 6330 mi
Herāt to San José Flight Time and Distance 13912 km 8645 mi
Herāt to São Tomé Flight Time and Distance 6881 km 4276 mi
Herāt to Copenhagen Flight Time and Distance 4434 km 2755 mi
Herāt to Dhaka Flight Time and Distance 2965 km 1842 mi
Herāt to Havana Flight Time and Distance 12609 km 7835 mi
Herāt to Lima Flight Time and Distance 15214 km 9453 mi
Herāt to Castries Flight Time and Distance 11964 km 7434 mi
Herāt to Kinshasa Flight Time and Distance 6523 km 4053 mi
Herāt to Sanaa Flight Time and Distance 2776 km 1725 mi
Herāt to Tehran Flight Time and Distance 993 km 617 mi
Herāt to Asmara Flight Time and Distance 3144 km 1954 mi
Herāt to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 3121 km 1939 mi
Herāt to Montevideo Flight Time and Distance 14472 km 8992 mi
Herāt to Hanoi Flight Time and Distance 4506 km 2800 mi
Herāt to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 7963 km 4948 mi
Herāt to Abuja Flight Time and Distance 6222 km 3866 mi
Herāt to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 12268 km 7623 mi
Herāt to Tripoli Flight Time and Distance 4497 km 2794 mi

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Major airports near Herāt, Afghanistan
Airport Name Distance From City
Herat - Khwaja Abdullah Ansari International Airport (HEA) 15.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km