Flight Distances and Durations from Istanbul Turkey to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey and any other place. Find distance from Istanbul to other places around the world.

Istanbul is located in Turkey (Istanbul). The latitude of Istanbul, Turkey is 41.16343020, and the longitude is 28.76644080. Istanbul is located at Turkey country with the gps coordinates of N 41° 9' 48.3'' and E 28° 45' 59.2''.
The nearest airport to Istanbul is İstanbul Airport (IST).

Where is Istanbul, Turkey on Map?

This is online road map of the address Istanbul, Turkey. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Istanbul, Turkey

Distance To Capital Cities From Istanbul Kilometers Miles
Istanbul to Yerevan Flight Time and Distance 1331 km 827 mi
Istanbul to Kingston Flight Time and Distance 9936 km 6174 mi
Istanbul to Yamoussoukro Flight Time and Distance 5089 km 3163 mi
Istanbul to Beijing Flight Time and Distance 7061 km 4388 mi
Istanbul to Muscat Flight Time and Distance 3374 km 2097 mi
Istanbul to Pretoria Flight Time and Distance 7440 km 4623 mi
Istanbul to Port Moresby Flight Time and Distance 13063 km 8117 mi
Istanbul to Valletta Flight Time and Distance 1369 km 851 mi
Istanbul to Jakarta Flight Time and Distance 9476 km 5888 mi
Istanbul to Tripoli Flight Time and Distance 1658 km 1030 mi
Istanbul to Tarawa Flight Time and Distance 14069 km 8743 mi
Istanbul to Windhoek Flight Time and Distance 7188 km 4466 mi
Istanbul to Budapest Flight Time and Distance 1045 km 650 mi
Istanbul to Paris Flight Time and Distance 2232 km 1387 mi
Istanbul to Palikir - National Government Center Flight Time and Distance 12594 km 7826 mi
Istanbul to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 7838 km 4871 mi
Istanbul to Port-au-Prince Flight Time and Distance 9549 km 5934 mi
Istanbul to Kinshasa Flight Time and Distance 5240 km 3256 mi
Istanbul to Pyongyang Flight Time and Distance 7775 km 4831 mi
Istanbul to Dublin Flight Time and Distance 2930 km 1821 mi
Istanbul to Paramaribo Flight Time and Distance 9071 km 5637 mi
Istanbul to Dakar Flight Time and Distance 5323 km 3307 mi
Istanbul to Prague Flight Time and Distance 1489 km 925 mi
Istanbul to Libreville Flight Time and Distance 4933 km 3065 mi
Istanbul to Male Flight Time and Distance 6056 km 3763 mi
Istanbul to Bandar Seri Begawan Flight Time and Distance 9330 km 5798 mi
Istanbul to Mbabane Flight Time and Distance 7508 km 4665 mi
Istanbul to Lisbon Flight Time and Distance 3220 km 2001 mi
Istanbul to Minsk Flight Time and Distance 1419 km 882 mi
Istanbul to Malabo Flight Time and Distance 4614 km 2867 mi

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Major airports near Istanbul, Turkey
Airport Name Distance From City
İstanbul Airport (IST) 11.00 Km
İstanbul Atatürk Airport (ISL) 21.00 Km
Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW) 54.00 Km
Burgas Airport (BOJ) 187.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km