Flight Distances and Durations from Istanbul Turkey to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey and any other place. Find distance from Istanbul to other places around the world.

Istanbul is located in Turkey (Istanbul). The latitude of Istanbul, Turkey is 41.16343020, and the longitude is 28.76644080. Istanbul is located at Turkey country with the gps coordinates of N 41° 9' 48.3'' and E 28° 45' 59.2''.
The nearest airport to Istanbul is İstanbul Airport (IST).

Where is Istanbul, Turkey on Map?

This is online road map of the address Istanbul, Turkey. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Istanbul, Turkey

Distance To Capital Cities From Istanbul Kilometers Miles
Istanbul to Pyongyang Flight Time and Distance 7775 km 4831 mi
Istanbul to Bishkek Flight Time and Distance 3744 km 2326 mi
Istanbul to Port-au-Prince Flight Time and Distance 9549 km 5934 mi
Istanbul to Brasília Flight Time and Distance 10086 km 6267 mi
Istanbul to Zagreb Flight Time and Distance 1153 km 716 mi
Istanbul to San José Flight Time and Distance 11124 km 6913 mi
Istanbul to Kingstown Flight Time and Distance 9049 km 5623 mi
Istanbul to Kuwait City Flight Time and Distance 2174 km 1351 mi
Istanbul to Budapest Flight Time and Distance 1045 km 650 mi
Istanbul to Bucharest Flight Time and Distance 424 km 264 mi
Istanbul to Dili Flight Time and Distance 11201 km 6960 mi
Istanbul to Manama Flight Time and Distance 2601 km 1616 mi
Istanbul to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 1042 km 648 mi
Istanbul to Tokyo Flight Time and Distance 8948 km 5560 mi
Istanbul to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 7838 km 4871 mi
Istanbul to Lisbon Flight Time and Distance 3220 km 2001 mi
Istanbul to Montevideo Flight Time and Distance 12098 km 7518 mi
Istanbul to Porto-Novo Flight Time and Distance 4645 km 2886 mi
Istanbul to London Flight Time and Distance 2476 km 1539 mi
Istanbul to Damascus Flight Time and Distance 1080 km 671 mi
Istanbul to Bratislava Flight Time and Distance 1204 km 748 mi
Istanbul to Tallinn Flight Time and Distance 2051 km 1275 mi
Istanbul to Jakarta Flight Time and Distance 9476 km 5888 mi
Istanbul to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 7475 km 4645 mi
Istanbul to Prague Flight Time and Distance 1489 km 925 mi
Istanbul to Thimphu Flight Time and Distance 5676 km 3527 mi
Istanbul to Saint John’s Flight Time and Distance 8815 km 5478 mi
Istanbul to Kingston Flight Time and Distance 9936 km 6174 mi
Istanbul to Tirana Flight Time and Distance 748 km 465 mi
Istanbul to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 9253 km 5750 mi

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Major airports near Istanbul, Turkey
Airport Name Distance From City
İstanbul Airport (IST) 11.00 Km
İstanbul Atatürk Airport (ISL) 21.00 Km
Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW) 54.00 Km
Burgas Airport (BOJ) 187.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km