Flight Distances and Durations from Lilongwe Malawi to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Lilongwe, Central Region, Malawi and any other place. Find distance from Lilongwe to other places around the world.

Lilongwe is located in Malawi (Central Region). The latitude of Lilongwe, Malawi is -13.96692000, and the longitude is 33.78725000. Lilongwe is located at Malawi country with the gps coordinates of S 13° 58' 0.9'' and E 33° 47' 14.1''.
The nearest airport to Lilongwe is Lilongwe International Airport (LLW).

Where is Lilongwe, Malawi on Map?

This is online road map of the address Lilongwe, Malawi. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Lilongwe, Malawi

Distance To Capital Cities From Lilongwe Kilometers Miles
Lilongwe to Riyadh Flight Time and Distance 4522 km 2810 mi
Lilongwe to Moscow Flight Time and Distance 7761 km 4823 mi
Lilongwe to Kampala Flight Time and Distance 1594 km 991 mi
Lilongwe to Roseau Flight Time and Distance 10955 km 6807 mi
Lilongwe to Damascus Flight Time and Distance 5286 km 3285 mi
Lilongwe to Sarajevo Flight Time and Distance 6617 km 4112 mi
Lilongwe to Kingstown Flight Time and Distance 10887 km 6765 mi
Lilongwe to Monrovia Flight Time and Distance 5411 km 3363 mi
Lilongwe to Dublin Flight Time and Distance 8397 km 5218 mi
Lilongwe to Nuku‘alofa Flight Time and Distance 14989 km 9314 mi
Lilongwe to Managua Flight Time and Distance 13534 km 8410 mi
Lilongwe to São Tomé Flight Time and Distance 3377 km 2099 mi
Lilongwe to Oslo Flight Time and Distance 8471 km 5264 mi
Lilongwe to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 1341 km 833 mi
Lilongwe to Manila Flight Time and Distance 10102 km 6278 mi
Lilongwe to Athens Flight Time and Distance 5871 km 3649 mi
Lilongwe to Freetown Flight Time and Distance 5758 km 3578 mi
Lilongwe to Tehran Flight Time and Distance 5826 km 3620 mi
Lilongwe to London Flight Time and Distance 7984 km 4961 mi
Lilongwe to Apia Flight Time and Distance 15835 km 9840 mi
Lilongwe to Cairo Flight Time and Distance 4904 km 3047 mi
Lilongwe to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 4232 km 2630 mi
Lilongwe to Tallinn Flight Time and Distance 8203 km 5097 mi
Lilongwe to Nassau Flight Time and Distance 12762 km 7930 mi
Lilongwe to Belmopan Flight Time and Distance 13874 km 8621 mi
Lilongwe to Saint George's Flight Time and Distance 10915 km 6783 mi
Lilongwe to Helsinki Flight Time and Distance 8282 km 5146 mi
Lilongwe to Kingston Flight Time and Distance 12622 km 7843 mi
Lilongwe to Bangui Flight Time and Distance 2642 km 1642 mi
Lilongwe to Tokyo Flight Time and Distance 12332 km 7663 mi

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Major airports near Lilongwe, Malawi
Airport Name Distance From City
Lilongwe International Airport (LLW) 19.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km