Flight Distances and Durations from London United Kingdom to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between London, England, United Kingdom and any other place. Find distance from London to other places around the world.

London is located in United Kingdom (England). The latitude of London, United Kingdom is 51.50853000, and the longitude is -0.12574000. London is located at United Kingdom country with the gps coordinates of N 51° 30' 30.7'' and W 0° 7' 32.7''.
The nearest airport to London is London Heathrow Airport (LHR).

Where is London, United Kingdom on Map?

This is online road map of the address London, United Kingdom. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From London, United Kingdom

Distance To Capital Cities From London Kilometers Miles
London to Panamá Flight Time and Distance 8493 km 5278 mi
London to Havana Flight Time and Distance 7493 km 4656 mi
London to Yerevan Flight Time and Distance 3615 km 2246 mi
London to Praia Flight Time and Distance 4570 km 2840 mi
London to Dhaka Flight Time and Distance 7992 km 4966 mi
London to Rabat Flight Time and Distance 2019 km 1255 mi
London to Chisinau Flight Time and Distance 2147 km 1334 mi
London to Gitega Flight Time and Distance 6738 km 4187 mi
London to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 9189 km 5710 mi
London to Algiers Flight Time and Distance 1663 km 1033 mi
London to Port-Vila Flight Time and Distance 16124 km 10019 mi
London to Podgorica Flight Time and Distance 1775 km 1103 mi
London to Palikir - National Government Center Flight Time and Distance 13195 km 8199 mi
London to Washington, D.C. Flight Time and Distance 5899 km 3666 mi
London to Singapore Flight Time and Distance 10855 km 6745 mi
London to Nay Pyi Taw Flight Time and Distance 8721 km 5419 mi
London to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 14220 km 8836 mi
London to Libreville Flight Time and Distance 5755 km 3576 mi
London to San José Flight Time and Distance 8713 km 5414 mi
London to Conakry Flight Time and Distance 4828 km 3000 mi
London to Nicosia Flight Time and Distance 3218 km 2000 mi
London to Berlin Flight Time and Distance 932 km 579 mi
London to Djibouti Flight Time and Distance 5899 km 3665 mi
London to Luxembourg Flight Time and Distance 490 km 305 mi
London to Cairo Flight Time and Distance 3511 km 2182 mi
London to Kampala Flight Time and Distance 6464 km 4017 mi
London to Warsaw Flight Time and Distance 1449 km 900 mi
London to Madrid Flight Time and Distance 1264 km 786 mi
London to Lilongwe Flight Time and Distance 7984 km 4961 mi
London to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 5048 km 3137 mi

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Major airports near London, United Kingdom
Airport Name Distance From City
London Heathrow Airport (LHR) 23.00 Km
London Gatwick Airport (LGW) 40.00 Km
London Luton Airport (LTN) 44.00 Km
London Stansted Airport (STN) 48.00 Km
Birmingham International Airport (BHX) 152.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km