Flight Distances and Durations from New York City United States to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between New York City, New York, United States and any other place. Find distance from New York City to other places around the world.

New York City is located in United States (New York). The latitude of New York City, United States is 40.71427000, and the longitude is -74.00597000. New York City is located at United States country with the gps coordinates of N 40° 42' 51.4'' and W 74° 0' 21.5''.
The nearest airport to New York City is La Guardia Airport (LGA).

Where is New York City, United States on Map?

This is online road map of the address New York City, United States. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From New York City, United States

Distance To Capital Cities From New York City Kilometers Miles
New York City to Vientiane Flight Time and Distance 13480 km 8377 mi
New York City to Tunis Flight Time and Distance 7016 km 4360 mi
New York City to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 7511 km 4667 mi
New York City to Paramaribo Flight Time and Distance 4305 km 2675 mi
New York City to Thimphu Flight Time and Distance 12248 km 7611 mi
New York City to Buenos Aires Flight Time and Distance 8528 km 5299 mi
New York City to Luxembourg Flight Time and Distance 6058 km 3765 mi
New York City to Yaoundé Flight Time and Distance 9350 km 5810 mi
New York City to Victoria Flight Time and Distance 13587 km 8442 mi
New York City to Prague Flight Time and Distance 6571 km 4083 mi
New York City to Dili Flight Time and Distance 15950 km 9911 mi
New York City to Budapest Flight Time and Distance 7008 km 4355 mi
New York City to Helsinki Flight Time and Distance 6618 km 4113 mi
New York City to Tirana Flight Time and Distance 7436 km 4621 mi
New York City to Bishkek Flight Time and Distance 10201 km 6339 mi
New York City to Brussels Flight Time and Distance 5889 km 3659 mi
New York City to Hanoi Flight Time and Distance 13150 km 8171 mi
New York City to Khartoum Flight Time and Distance 10218 km 6349 mi
New York City to Kinshasa Flight Time and Distance 10264 km 6378 mi
New York City to Tbilisi Flight Time and Distance 8978 km 5579 mi
New York City to Baku Flight Time and Distance 9366 km 5820 mi
New York City to Tallinn Flight Time and Distance 6650 km 4132 mi
New York City to Algiers Flight Time and Distance 6480 km 4027 mi
New York City to Cairo Flight Time and Distance 9022 km 5606 mi
New York City to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 12114 km 7528 mi
New York City to Addis Ababa Flight Time and Distance 11207 km 6964 mi
New York City to Bamako Flight Time and Distance 7080 km 4399 mi
New York City to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 13198 km 8201 mi
New York City to Brasília Flight Time and Distance 6834 km 4247 mi
New York City to Mogadishu Flight Time and Distance 12273 km 7626 mi

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Major airports near New York City, United States