Flight Distances and Durations from Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Nur-Sultan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan and any other place. Find distance from Nur-Sultan to other places around the world.

Nur-Sultan is located in Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan). The latitude of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan is 51.18010000, and the longitude is 71.44598000. Nur-Sultan is located at Kazakhstan country with the gps coordinates of N 51° 10' 48.4'' and E 71° 26' 45.5''.
The nearest airport to Nur-Sultan is Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport (NQZ).

Where is Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan on Map?

This is online road map of the address Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Distance To Capital Cities From Nur-Sultan Kilometers Miles
Nur-Sultan to Bamako Flight Time and Distance 8182 km 5084 mi
Nur-Sultan to Malabo Flight Time and Distance 7809 km 4853 mi
Nur-Sultan to Wellington Flight Time and Distance 14290 km 8879 mi
Nur-Sultan to Tehran Flight Time and Distance 2347 km 1459 mi
Nur-Sultan to Tripoli Flight Time and Distance 5068 km 3149 mi
Nur-Sultan to Andorra la Vella Flight Time and Distance 5200 km 3231 mi
Nur-Sultan to San José Flight Time and Distance 12746 km 7920 mi
Nur-Sultan to Mogadishu Flight Time and Distance 5985 km 3719 mi
Nur-Sultan to Ouagadougou Flight Time and Distance 7756 km 4820 mi
Nur-Sultan to Gaborone Flight Time and Distance 9551 km 5935 mi
Nur-Sultan to Luxembourg Flight Time and Distance 4478 km 2782 mi
Nur-Sultan to Nairobi Flight Time and Distance 6685 km 4154 mi
Nur-Sultan to Bratislava Flight Time and Distance 3836 km 2384 mi
Nur-Sultan to Kigali Flight Time and Distance 7080 km 4399 mi
Nur-Sultan to Moroni Flight Time and Distance 7504 km 4663 mi
Nur-Sultan to Libreville Flight Time and Distance 8068 km 5014 mi
Nur-Sultan to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 8504 km 5284 mi
Nur-Sultan to Colombo Flight Time and Distance 4981 km 3095 mi
Nur-Sultan to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 9384 km 5831 mi
Nur-Sultan to Seoul Flight Time and Distance 4545 km 2824 mi
Nur-Sultan to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 2839 km 1764 mi
Nur-Sultan to Santo Domingo Flight Time and Distance 11404 km 7086 mi
Nur-Sultan to Saint John’s Flight Time and Distance 11170 km 6941 mi
Nur-Sultan to Amman Flight Time and Distance 3591 km 2231 mi
Nur-Sultan to Chisinau Flight Time and Distance 3091 km 1921 mi
Nur-Sultan to Bangkok Flight Time and Distance 4910 km 3051 mi
Nur-Sultan to Zagreb Flight Time and Distance 4032 km 2505 mi
Nur-Sultan to Beirut Flight Time and Distance 3465 km 2153 mi
Nur-Sultan to Tallinn Flight Time and Distance 3023 km 1879 mi
Nur-Sultan to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 8106 km 5037 mi

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Major airports near Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Airport Name Distance From City
Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport (NQZ) 17.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km