Flight Distances and Durations from Port-au-Prince Haiti to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti and any other place. Find distance from Port-au-Prince to other places around the world.

Port-au-Prince is located in Haiti (Ouest). The latitude of Port-au-Prince, Haiti is 18.54349000, and the longitude is -72.33881000. Port-au-Prince is located at Haiti country with the gps coordinates of N 18° 32' 36.6'' and W 72° 20' 19.7''.
The nearest airport to Port-au-Prince is Toussaint Louverture International Airport (PAP).

Where is Port-au-Prince, Haiti on Map?

This is online road map of the address Port-au-Prince, Haiti. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Distance To Capital Cities From Port-au-Prince Kilometers Miles
Port-au-Prince to Pretoria Flight Time and Distance 11910 km 7401 mi
Port-au-Prince to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 12128 km 7536 mi
Port-au-Prince to Bishkek Flight Time and Distance 12394 km 7702 mi
Port-au-Prince to Djibouti Flight Time and Distance 12189 km 7574 mi
Port-au-Prince to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 11637 km 7231 mi
Port-au-Prince to Vienna Flight Time and Distance 8389 km 5213 mi
Port-au-Prince to Yamoussoukro Flight Time and Distance 7354 km 4569 mi
Port-au-Prince to Belgrade Flight Time and Distance 8782 km 5457 mi
Port-au-Prince to Managua Flight Time and Distance 1653 km 1027 mi
Port-au-Prince to Kuala Lumpur Flight Time and Distance 17516 km 10884 mi
Port-au-Prince to Harare Flight Time and Distance 11992 km 7451 mi
Port-au-Prince to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 11927 km 7411 mi
Port-au-Prince to Dili Flight Time and Distance 17786 km 11052 mi
Port-au-Prince to Reykjavík Flight Time and Distance 6301 km 3915 mi
Port-au-Prince to Copenhagen Flight Time and Distance 7999 km 4970 mi
Port-au-Prince to Damascus Flight Time and Distance 10498 km 6524 mi
Port-au-Prince to Mogadishu Flight Time and Distance 12831 km 7973 mi
Port-au-Prince to São Tomé Flight Time and Distance 8844 km 5495 mi
Port-au-Prince to Vilnius Flight Time and Distance 8810 km 5475 mi
Port-au-Prince to San José Flight Time and Distance 1586 km 986 mi
Port-au-Prince to Saint George's Flight Time and Distance 1345 km 836 mi
Port-au-Prince to Andorra la Vella Flight Time and Distance 7322 km 4550 mi
Port-au-Prince to Gitega Flight Time and Distance 11421 km 7097 mi
Port-au-Prince to Tokyo Flight Time and Distance 13105 km 8143 mi
Port-au-Prince to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 2016 km 1253 mi
Port-au-Prince to Pyongyang Flight Time and Distance 13341 km 8290 mi
Port-au-Prince to Oslo Flight Time and Distance 7849 km 4877 mi
Port-au-Prince to Phnom Penh Flight Time and Distance 16654 km 10348 mi
Port-au-Prince to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 12345 km 7671 mi
Port-au-Prince to Port-Vila Flight Time and Distance 13638 km 8474 mi

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Major airports near Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Airport Name Distance From City
Toussaint Louverture International Airport (PAP) 6.00 Km
Cap Haitien International Airport (CAP) 132.00 Km
Maria Montez International Airport (BRX) 132.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km