Flight Distances and Durations from Tashkent Uzbekistan to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and any other place. Find distance from Tashkent to other places around the world.

Tashkent is located in Uzbekistan (Tashkent). The latitude of Tashkent, Uzbekistan is 41.26465000, and the longitude is 69.21627000. Tashkent is located at Uzbekistan country with the gps coordinates of N 41° 15' 52.7'' and E 69° 12' 58.6''.
The nearest airport to Tashkent is Tashkent International Airport (TAS).

Where is Tashkent, Uzbekistan on Map?

This is online road map of the address Tashkent, Uzbekistan. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Distance To Capital Cities From Tashkent Kilometers Miles
Tashkent to Quito Flight Time and Distance 14418 km 8959 mi
Tashkent to Athens Flight Time and Distance 3869 km 2404 mi
Tashkent to Berlin Flight Time and Distance 4303 km 2674 mi
Tashkent to Beijing Flight Time and Distance 3938 km 2447 mi
Tashkent to Porto-Novo Flight Time and Distance 7586 km 4714 mi
Tashkent to Luxembourg Flight Time and Distance 4861 km 3021 mi
Tashkent to Gaborone Flight Time and Distance 8597 km 5342 mi
Tashkent to Ashgabat Flight Time and Distance 998 km 620 mi
Tashkent to Podgorica Flight Time and Distance 4079 km 2535 mi
Tashkent to Tokyo Flight Time and Distance 5997 km 3726 mi
Tashkent to Addis Ababa Flight Time and Distance 4669 km 2901 mi
Tashkent to Saint George's Flight Time and Distance 12246 km 7610 mi
Tashkent to Brussels Flight Time and Distance 4950 km 3076 mi
Tashkent to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 10692 km 6644 mi
Tashkent to Montevideo Flight Time and Distance 15263 km 9484 mi
Tashkent to Guatemala City Flight Time and Distance 13458 km 8363 mi
Tashkent to Warsaw Flight Time and Distance 3791 km 2356 mi
Tashkent to Nuku‘alofa Flight Time and Distance 13646 km 8479 mi
Tashkent to Kuala Lumpur Flight Time and Distance 5336 km 3316 mi
Tashkent to Kathmandu Flight Time and Distance 2104 km 1307 mi
Tashkent to Ouagadougou Flight Time and Distance 7501 km 4661 mi
Tashkent to Ankara Flight Time and Distance 3052 km 1896 mi
Tashkent to Colombo Flight Time and Distance 3960 km 2461 mi
Tashkent to Bern Flight Time and Distance 4844 km 3010 mi
Tashkent to Khartoum Flight Time and Distance 4532 km 2816 mi
Tashkent to Seoul Flight Time and Distance 4887 km 3037 mi
Tashkent to Gitega Flight Time and Distance 6364 km 3954 mi
Tashkent to Riyadh Flight Time and Distance 2778 km 1726 mi
Tashkent to Yamoussoukro Flight Time and Distance 8214 km 5104 mi
Tashkent to Bangkok Flight Time and Distance 4300 km 2672 mi

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Major airports near Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Airport Name Distance From City
Tashkent International Airport (TAS) 5.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km