Flight Distances and Durations from Tripoli Libya to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Tripoli, Tripoli District, Libya and any other place. Find distance from Tripoli to other places around the world.

Tripoli is located in Libya (Tripoli District). The latitude of Tripoli, Libya is 32.88743000, and the longitude is 13.18733000. Tripoli is located at Libya country with the gps coordinates of N 32° 53' 14.7'' and E 13° 11' 14.4''.
The nearest airport to Tripoli is Mitiga International Airport (MJI).

Where is Tripoli, Libya on Map?

This is online road map of the address Tripoli, Libya. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Tripoli, Libya

Distance To Capital Cities From Tripoli Kilometers Miles
Tripoli to Bandar Seri Begawan Flight Time and Distance 10800 km 6711 mi
Tripoli to Djibouti Flight Time and Distance 3863 km 2400 mi
Tripoli to Lisbon Flight Time and Distance 2112 km 1312 mi
Tripoli to Malabo Flight Time and Distance 3272 km 2033 mi
Tripoli to Ottawa Flight Time and Distance 7399 km 4598 mi
Tripoli to Apia Flight Time and Distance 17837 km 11084 mi
Tripoli to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 7079 km 4399 mi
Tripoli to Honiara Flight Time and Distance 15726 km 9772 mi
Tripoli to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 4954 km 3078 mi
Tripoli to Moroni Flight Time and Distance 5896 km 3664 mi
Tripoli to London Flight Time and Distance 2335 km 1451 mi
Tripoli to Kyiv Flight Time and Distance 2414 km 1500 mi
Tripoli to Belmopan Flight Time and Distance 10040 km 6239 mi
Tripoli to Manama Flight Time and Distance 3673 km 2282 mi
Tripoli to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 15490 km 9625 mi
Tripoli to Brasília Flight Time and Distance 8446 km 5248 mi
Tripoli to Sanaa Flight Time and Distance 3681 km 2287 mi
Tripoli to Pyongyang Flight Time and Distance 9423 km 5855 mi
Tripoli to Dili Flight Time and Distance 12609 km 7835 mi
Tripoli to Kigali Flight Time and Distance 4260 km 2647 mi
Tripoli to Ankara Flight Time and Distance 1921 km 1194 mi
Tripoli to Saint George's Flight Time and Distance 7887 km 4901 mi
Tripoli to Luanda Flight Time and Distance 4640 km 2883 mi
Tripoli to Male Flight Time and Distance 7004 km 4352 mi
Tripoli to Bern Flight Time and Distance 1638 km 1018 mi
Tripoli to Montevideo Flight Time and Distance 10442 km 6488 mi
Tripoli to Kampala Flight Time and Distance 4152 km 2580 mi
Tripoli to Dakar Flight Time and Distance 3693 km 2295 mi
Tripoli to Tashkent Flight Time and Distance 4970 km 3089 mi
Tripoli to Dhaka Flight Time and Distance 7457 km 4634 mi

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Major airports near Tripoli, Libya
Airport Name Distance From City
Mitiga International Airport (MJI) 9.00 Km
Zuwarah International Airport (WAX) 109.00 Km
Misrata International Airport (MRA) 186.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km