Flight Distances and Durations from Ubud Indonesia to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and any other place. Find distance from Ubud to other places around the world.

Ubud is located in Indonesia (Bali). The latitude of Ubud, Indonesia is -8.50980000, and the longitude is 115.26540000. Ubud is located at Indonesia country with the gps coordinates of S 8° 30' 35.3'' and E 115° 15' 55.4''.
The nearest airport to Ubud is Ngurah Rai (Bali) International Airport (DPS).

Where is Ubud, Indonesia on Map?

This is online road map of the address Ubud, Indonesia. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Ubud, Indonesia

Distance To Capital Cities From Ubud Kilometers Miles
Ubud to Port-Vila Flight Time and Distance 5817 km 3615 mi
Ubud to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 9436 km 5864 mi
Ubud to Bangui Flight Time and Distance 10816 km 6721 mi
Ubud to Vientiane Flight Time and Distance 3256 km 2024 mi
Ubud to São Tomé Flight Time and Distance 12051 km 7488 mi
Ubud to Vaduz Flight Time and Distance 11889 km 7387 mi
Ubud to Kathmandu Flight Time and Distance 5157 km 3204 mi
Ubud to Freetown Flight Time and Distance 14356 km 8921 mi
Ubud to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 8759 km 5443 mi
Ubud to Amsterdam Flight Time and Distance 12133 km 7539 mi
Ubud to Beijing Flight Time and Distance 5385 km 3346 mi
Ubud to Monrovia Flight Time and Distance 14067 km 8741 mi
Ubud to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 12744 km 7919 mi
Ubud to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 19265 km 11971 mi
Ubud to Khartoum Flight Time and Distance 9492 km 5898 mi
Ubud to Tarawa Flight Time and Distance 6488 km 4032 mi
Ubud to Windhoek Flight Time and Distance 10474 km 6509 mi
Ubud to Port-au-Prince Flight Time and Distance 18630 km 11576 mi
Ubud to Budapest Flight Time and Distance 11171 km 6941 mi
Ubud to Ottawa Flight Time and Distance 15779 km 9805 mi
Ubud to Thimphu Flight Time and Distance 4860 km 3020 mi
Ubud to Stockholm Flight Time and Distance 11229 km 6977 mi
Ubud to Bamako Flight Time and Distance 13807 km 8580 mi
Ubud to Kingstown Flight Time and Distance 19372 km 12037 mi
Ubud to Muscat Flight Time and Distance 7131 km 4431 mi
Ubud to Maputo Flight Time and Distance 8867 km 5510 mi
Ubud to Maseru Flight Time and Distance 9332 km 5799 mi
Ubud to Gaborone Flight Time and Distance 9559 km 5940 mi
Ubud to Santo Domingo Flight Time and Distance 18775 km 11666 mi
Ubud to Zagreb Flight Time and Distance 11403 km 7086 mi

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Major airports near Ubud, Indonesia
Airport Name Distance From City
Ngurah Rai (Bali) International Airport (DPS) 28.00 Km
Banyuwangi International Airport (BWX) 104.00 Km
Lombok International Airport (LOP) 114.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km