Flight Distances and Durations from Yaren Nauru to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Yaren, Yaren District, Nauru and any other place. Find distance from Yaren to other places around the world.

Yaren is located in Nauru (Yaren District). The latitude of Yaren, Nauru is -0.55085000, and the longitude is 166.92520000. Yaren is located at Nauru country with the gps coordinates of S 0° 33' 3.1'' and E 166° 55' 30.7''.
The nearest airport to Yaren is Nauru International Airport (INU).

Where is Yaren, Nauru on Map?

This is online road map of the address Yaren, Nauru. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Yaren, Nauru

Distance To Capital Cities From Yaren Kilometers Miles
Yaren to Paris Flight Time and Distance 14444 km 8976 mi
Yaren to Port Moresby Flight Time and Distance 2403 km 1493 mi
Yaren to Bern Flight Time and Distance 14485 km 9001 mi
Yaren to Copenhagen Flight Time and Distance 13464 km 8366 mi
Yaren to Tashkent Flight Time and Distance 10692 km 6644 mi
Yaren to San José Flight Time and Distance 11977 km 7442 mi
Yaren to Budapest Flight Time and Distance 13944 km 8664 mi
Yaren to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 14967 km 9301 mi
Yaren to Dodoma Flight Time and Distance 14546 km 9039 mi
Yaren to Kuala Lumpur Flight Time and Distance 7263 km 4513 mi
Yaren to Libreville Flight Time and Distance 17510 km 10880 mi
Yaren to Manila Flight Time and Distance 5326 km 3310 mi
Yaren to Harare Flight Time and Distance 14774 km 9181 mi
Yaren to Brazzaville Flight Time and Distance 16819 km 10451 mi
Yaren to Honiara Flight Time and Distance 1254 km 779 mi
Yaren to Lusaka Flight Time and Distance 15137 km 9406 mi
Yaren to New Delhi Flight Time and Distance 10008 km 6219 mi
Yaren to Managua Flight Time and Distance 11849 km 7363 mi
Yaren to Reykjavík Flight Time and Distance 12908 km 8021 mi
Yaren to Santo Domingo Flight Time and Distance 13507 km 8393 mi
Yaren to Tripoli Flight Time and Distance 15490 km 9625 mi
Yaren to Pretoria Flight Time and Distance 14710 km 9140 mi
Yaren to Kingstown Flight Time and Distance 14530 km 9029 mi
Yaren to Kathmandu Flight Time and Distance 9210 km 5723 mi
Yaren to Malabo Flight Time and Distance 17560 km 10912 mi
Yaren to Zagreb Flight Time and Distance 14237 km 8846 mi
Yaren to Berlin Flight Time and Distance 13734 km 8534 mi
Yaren to Chisinau Flight Time and Distance 13449 km 8357 mi
Yaren to Brasília Flight Time and Distance 15779 km 9805 mi
Yaren to Kigali Flight Time and Distance 15211 km 9452 mi

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Major airports near Yaren, Nauru
Airport Name Distance From City
Nauru International Airport (INU) 0.00 Km
Distance from city: 5 miles / 8 km