Flight Distances and Durations from Zarqa Jordan to Other Cities

Calculate the flight time and travel distance between Zarqa, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan and any other place. Find distance from Zarqa to other places around the world.

Zarqa is located in Jordan (Zarqa Governorate). The latitude of Zarqa, Jordan is 32.07275000, and the longitude is 36.08796000. Zarqa is located at Jordan country with the gps coordinates of N 32° 4' 21.9'' and E 36° 5' 16.7''.
The nearest airport to Zarqa is Amman Civil (Marka International) Airport (ADJ).

Where is Zarqa, Jordan on Map?

This is online road map of the address Zarqa, Jordan. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Distances To Capital Cities From Zarqa, Jordan

Distance To Capital Cities From Zarqa Kilometers Miles
Zarqa to Guatemala City Flight Time and Distance 12317 km 7654 mi
Zarqa to Kigali Flight Time and Distance 3836 km 2384 mi
Zarqa to Tehran Flight Time and Distance 1470 km 914 mi
Zarqa to Pretoria Flight Time and Distance 6484 km 4029 mi
Zarqa to Ljubljana Flight Time and Distance 2413 km 1500 mi
Zarqa to Paris Flight Time and Distance 3368 km 2093 mi
Zarqa to Beijing Flight Time and Distance 7033 km 4371 mi
Zarqa to Buenos Aires Flight Time and Distance 12326 km 7659 mi
Zarqa to Yaoundé Flight Time and Distance 4050 km 2517 mi
Zarqa to Baku Flight Time and Distance 1542 km 958 mi
Zarqa to Lisbon Flight Time and Distance 4126 km 2564 mi
Zarqa to San José Flight Time and Distance 12153 km 7552 mi
Zarqa to Port Moresby Flight Time and Distance 12545 km 7795 mi
Zarqa to Asmara Flight Time and Distance 1883 km 1170 mi
Zarqa to Tallinn Flight Time and Distance 3158 km 1962 mi
Zarqa to Santiago Flight Time and Distance 13316 km 8275 mi
Zarqa to Riga Flight Time and Distance 2915 km 1811 mi
Zarqa to Moscow Flight Time and Distance 2636 km 1638 mi
Zarqa to Georgetown Flight Time and Distance 10003 km 6216 mi
Zarqa to Yaren Flight Time and Distance 13788 km 8568 mi
Zarqa to Banjul Flight Time and Distance 5720 km 3555 mi
Zarqa to Manama Flight Time and Distance 1549 km 963 mi
Zarqa to Rome Flight Time and Distance 2351 km 1461 mi
Zarqa to Victoria Flight Time and Distance 4566 km 2837 mi
Zarqa to Brussels Flight Time and Distance 3327 km 2067 mi
Zarqa to Phnom Penh Flight Time and Distance 7342 km 4562 mi
Zarqa to Lomé Flight Time and Distance 4624 km 2874 mi
Zarqa to Moroni Flight Time and Distance 4927 km 3062 mi
Zarqa to Honiara Flight Time and Distance 13739 km 8537 mi
Zarqa to San José Flight Time and Distance 12136 km 7541 mi

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Major airports near Zarqa, Jordan