Flight Time and Distance Between Anguilla and Equatorial Guinea
How long is the flight from Anguilla to Equatorial Guinea?
The flight time between Anguilla and Equatorial Guinea is 11 hours 39 minutes.
What is the Flight Distance Between Anguilla and Equatorial Guinea?
The distance from Anguilla to Equatorial Guinea is 8161 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 5071 miles or 4404 nautical miles.
The calculated distance between two countries is the straight-line flight distance measured from one point to another point by air. The distance between countries is calculated according to the geographic coordinates of each country's centers. This distance may differ greatly from the actual travel distance.
Map of flight path from Anguilla to Equatorial Guinea
Map Showing the Distance Between Anguilla and Equatorial Guinea is displayed below.