City Flight Time Distance Calculator
Flight Time from Boumerdas to Srinagar
How long is the flight time from Boumerdas to Srinagar?
The flight time between Boumerdas and Srinagar is 9 hours 1 minutes.
What is the Flight Distance Between Boumerdas and Srinagar?
The flight distance from Boumerdas (Algeria) to Srinagar (India) is 3923 miles or 6314 kilometers or 3407 nautical miles.
The calculated distance between two cities is the straight flight distance measured from one point to another by air.
The nearest airport to Boumerdas is
Houari Boumediene Airport (ALG) and the nearest airport to Srinagar is
Islamabad International Airport (ISB).
Map of flight path from Boumerdas to Srinagar
The map of the shortest flight path between
Boumerdas, Algeria and
Srinagar, India is displayed below.
Boumerdas Details
Boumerdas is located in Algeria.
GPS Coordinates | Latitude: N 36° 45' 59'' Longitude: E 3° 28' 37.8'' |
Latitude | 36.76639 |
Longitude | 3.47717 |
Country | Algeria |
Nearby airports
Houari Boumediene Airport (ALG)
Srinagar Details
Srinagar is located in India.
GPS Coordinates | Latitude: N 34° 5' 8.3'' Longitude: E 74° 48' 20'' |
Latitude | 34.08565 |
Longitude | 74.80555 |
Country | India |
Nearby airports
Sheikh ul Alam International Airport (SXR)
Time Difference between Boumerdas and Srinagar
Time difference between Boumerdas (Algeria) and Srinagar (India) is 4 Hours 30 Minutes.
Srinagar time is 4 Hours 30 Minutes ahead of Boumerdas.
Current local time in Boumerdas |
Current local time in Srinagar |
2025-02-15, 18:45:08 CET |
2025-02-15, 23:15:08 IST |
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